Sarah Palin's enemies are automatically added to the Endangered Species List.

calendar   Monday - March 05, 2007


OK, Zoomies! Here’s an easy one for you today. We’re lost over CONUS and that’s a USAF base down there and it has a 15,000 ft. runway which should handle just about anything, right? The weather is warm and yes, that is what looks like desert or dry lake bed at the end of the runway - which it would be a good idea to avoid on takeoff. The clock is ticking. You now have five minutes to tell me where in heck I am before I push one of these gazillions of buttons in front of me (see pic below) and bring this bird down ....


No more flying “by the seat of our pants”, eh?


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/05/2007 at 02:42 PM    avatar
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Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day

Personally IMHO, I think Gustav is faking it ‘cause he’s tired of his ho’s and wants to take the cash from the lawsuit and buy himself some strange. You can’t trust those ostriches, I’m telling you. They all have beady, little eyes and no lips. That by itself is strange. No kidding.

Teens Accused Of Making Ostrich Impotent
BERLIN (YAHOO NEWS) - Mon Mar 5, 9:33 AM ET

imageimageThree teenagers may be on the hook for a hefty fine if a court decides that their festive firecrackers outside an eastern German farm scared the libido right out of an ostrich named Gustav.

Rico Gabel, a farmer in Lohsa, northeast of Dresden, is claiming $6,450 in damages for the alleged antics of the three youths, ages 17-18, between Dec. 27 and 29, 2005.

According to his lawsuit, the farmer claims that fireworks set off by the boys made the previously lustful Gustav both apathetic and depressed, and thus unable to perform for a half-a-year with his two female breeding partners.

Before Gustav regained his sex drive in the second half of the year, the farmer estimates he lost out on 14 ostrich offspring — worth $460 apiece. The suit is due to be heard next Monday in a regional court in nearby Bautzen, the court said Monday. The teenagers’ names were not released.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/05/2007 at 02:08 PM    avatar
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Motivational Poster Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/05/2007 at 01:38 PM    avatar
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For The Children

When I was in high school in south Alabama (a little town called Opp) way back when (the mid-1960’s), our biggest football rival was Andalusia, the country seat. The second biggest game each year was against Enterprise. They were a much bigger school than us but we always gave them a hard time - and sometimes won. Today I feel nothing but sorrow for the school - and for the parents who lost children there last week.

In addition to the school, the local Red Cross office was destroyed. So I’m asking you to make a donation if you can to help out. A little prayer for the folks down there would also be appreciated. Thanks.

Scott Stantis - The Birmingham (Alabama) News

Twister Hits High School In Alabama, Killing 15
ENTERPRISE, ALA. (GLOBE & MAIL) - March 2, 2007

Tornadoes ripped through Alabama and killed at least 18 people yesterday, including 15 at a high school where students became pinned under debris when a roof collapsed, state officials said. As night fell, crews dug through piles of rubble beneath portable lights at Enterprise High School, looking for other victims.

“The number could very well increase as the search effort continues through the night,” state emergency-management spokeswoman Yasamie Richardson said. The storm struck about 1:15 p.m., and Ms. Richardson said some students were still trapped three hours later. Erin Garcia, a 17-year-old senior, said students had gathered in hallways around 11 a.m. as a precaution.

School officials wanted to send them home around 1 p.m., she said, but the weather turned bad and sirens wailed. Then, she said, the lights went out. I was just sitting there praying the whole time,” she said. After the storm passed, she found the hallway she was in was spared, but a roof and wall collapsed on students in another hallway.

“It was scary. It sounded like a bunch of people trying to beat the wall down. It was complete chaos out in the hallway,” she said. More than 50 people were hospitalized as the violent storm front crossed the state. Two died elsewhere in Enterprise and one in rural Millers Ferry, where a separate storm wrecked mobile homes, Ms. Richardson said.

The burst of tornadoes was part of a larger line of thunderstorms and snowstorms that stretched from Minnesota to the Gulf Coast. Authorities blamed a tornado for the death of a seven-year-old girl in Missouri, and twisters also were reported in Kansas. At Millers Ferry, about 100 kilometres west of Montgomery, trailer homes were flipped over and trees downed, said Bernadine Williams in the Wilcox County emergency-management office.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/05/2007 at 05:50 AM    avatar
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Marching On Selma

What you see below is the last thing Selma, Alabama or the United States Of America needs right now. It only serves to keep dividing the country along racial lines and stirs up old memories that are best left alone. I know. I’m from Alabama.

My family and relatives are scattered all over Central and South Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. Due to my career in Information Technology I haven’t been back home in ages but I know how things are down there.

The last time I was in Selma was in 1991 and I saw a city pretty much run by blacks in all of the city government offices. The reason is that Selma is about 70% black - with only a small white population.

The city’s finances were in deep trouble because they were having problems attracting businesses to come build and invest in the town. The current median household income is only $25k/yr., which is half the national average. Unemployment stands at 9% and jobs are leaving town, bleeding it dry. (Source: ePodunk - Selma Demographics)

So what good can possibly come from having a bunch of rich, Northern politicians come to town and stir up old memories of racial hatred? None whatsoever. It only makes it worse. Racism is effectively dead in Alabama nowadays. Blacks serve in government from the city level all the way up to the state legislature. School segregation ended decades ago. Black businessmen and professionals are doing quite well. I know. More than a few of them are my friends.

No, this spectacle in Selma over the weekend was not about civil rights. It was about getting people to vote for idiot Senators who haven’t done a darned thing to help Selma economically. Even worse, they don’t plan to help the town any time soon. Witness the fact that while these bloviating egos were in Alabama, none of them took time to visit the recent tornado-ravaged region just southeast of Selma where people were still looking for bodies and digging out from destroyed homes and schools.

(Note: President Bush was in the tornado-ravaged region of south Alabama, offering assistance, declaring it a disaster area and trying to help the people get back on their feet.)

No, all these people want is your vote so they can keep getting paid handsome salaries that are funded by your tax dollars. They will use any subterfuge they have to in order to get your vote - while encouraging racial divide and ignoring economic divide. Are these the kind of people Selma should trust and listen to. Not on your life.


Clinton and Obama Unite in Pleas to Blacks
SELMA, Ala., March 4 - March 5, 2007

Evoking the passions and rivalries of the civil rights era, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton made deeply personal appeals to voters in the sanctuaries of black churches here on Sunday, and then joined former President Bill Clinton for a march across a bridge where white police officers beat protesters, most of them black, nearly 42 years ago.

It was an extraordinary sight: the Clintons and Mr. Obama, two of them competitors for the Democratic presidential nomination, walking — with two black congressman, and sometimes others, in between them — down Martin Luther King Jr. Street to commemorate the footsteps of black demonstrators who were met with violence as they tried to march to Montgomery to demand civil rights in 1965.

The visit to Selma, a historically rich, economically struggling city, became a proxy battle for black support between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama, whose candidacy represents a threat to Mrs. Clinton’s traditional base. That competitive dynamic intensified on Sunday with the debut of Mr. Clinton on the campaign trail, six weeks into his wife’s bid, and among a bloc of voters who are at once devoted to the former president and torn between his wife and Mr. Obama.

It was the first side-by-side appearance of Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton in the 2008 presidential campaign, and the political theater of the two campaigns overlapped repeatedly, but with a polite tone that contrasted with their political skirmishing of recent weeks. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton spoke at services on the same street, three blocks apart, and the lines of worshipers were so long that they nearly intermingled. Both candidates paid homage to the same civil rights leaders, and both concluded the services by locking arms with worshipers and swaying to “We Shall Overcome.”

At different points, both Clintons said that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 had paved the way for Mr. Obama to run for president.

“Today it is giving Senator Obama the chance to run for president,” Mrs. Clinton told worshipers at the First Baptist Church, to enthusiastic applause. “And by its logic and spirit, it is giving the same chance to Gov. Bill Richardson to run as a Hispanic. And, yes, it is giving me that chance.”

Mr. Obama, before the commemoration march, praised both Clintons and said of the political campaign under way, “We don’t have time for other folks to divide us.”

- More on this at the NY TIMES ...

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/05/2007 at 04:37 AM    avatar
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calendar   Sunday - March 04, 2007

Through The Looking Glass

“Home, At Last”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/04/2007 at 03:53 PM    avatar
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Pay attention, class! Today’s lesson concerns “Glowbull Warming”. Here is the formula you need to make note of ....


(Increase In Bullshit + Increase In Hot Air * Book/Movie Propaganda / Possible Loss Of Grant Money = Glowbull Warming)

Now do you understand? Judging from the article below, more and more scientists are finally getting aroused and are throwing the Bullshit Flag on AL Gore and the whole Glowbull Warming crapola. Here is just a part of the article. You need to go read the whole thing and particularly read the comments from the Brit readers. We need to get Peiper, Bulldog and LyndonB to let us know how this documentary is received over there - and then we need to get it shown over here - and then let’s go get the tar and feathers and find Al Gore ...

‘Global Warming Is Lies’ Claims Documentary
(LIFESTYLES-UK) - Sunday, 4th March 2007, 11:04

imageimageAccepted theories about man causing global warming are “lies” claims a controversial new TV documentary. ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ - backed by eminent scientists - is set to rock the accepted consensus that climate change is being driven by humans.

The programme, to be screened on Channel 4 on Thursday March 8, will see a series of respected scientists attack the “propaganda” that they claim is killing the world’s poor.

Even the co-founder of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, is shown, claiming African countries should be encouraged to burn more CO2. Nobody in the documentary defends the greenhouse effect theory, as it claims that climate change is natural, has been occurring for years, and ice falling from glaciers is just the spring break-up and as normal as leaves falling in autumn.

A source at Channel 4 said: “It is essentially a polemic and we are expecting it to cause trouble, but this is the controversial programming that Channel 4 is renowned for.” Controversial director Martin Durkin said: “You can see the problems with the science of global warming, but people just don’t believe you – it’s taken ten years to get this commissioned.

“I think it will go down in history as the first chapter in a new era of the relationship between scientists and society. Legitimate scientists – people with qualifications – are the bad guys. It is a big story that is going to cause controversy. It’s very rare that a film changes history, but I think this is a turning point and in five years the idea that the greenhouse effect is the main reason behind global warming will be seen as total bollocks.”

“Al Gore might have won an Oscar for ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, but the film is very misleading and he has got the relationship between CO2 and climate change the wrong way round.”

One major piece of evidence of CO2 causing global warming are ice core samples from Antarctica, which show that for hundreds of years, global warming has been accompanied by higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

In ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ Al Gore is shown claiming this proves the theory, but palaeontologist Professor Ian Clark claims in the documentary that it actually shows the opposite. He has evidence showing that warmer spells in the Earth’s history actually came an average of 800 years before the rise in CO2 levels.

Prof Clark believes increased levels of CO2 are because the Earth is heating up and not the cause. He says most CO2 in the atmosphere comes from the oceans, which dissolve the gas.

When the temperature increases, more gas is released into the atmosphere and when global temperatures cool, more CO2 is taken in. Because of the immense size of the oceans, he said they take time to catch up with climate trends, and this ‘memory effect’ is responsible for the lag.

Scientists in the programme also raise another discrepancy with the official line, showing that most of the recent global warming occurred before 1940, when global temperatures then fell for four decades. It was only in the late 1970s that the current trend of rising temperatures began.

This, claim the sceptics, is a flaw in the CO2 theory, because the post-war economic boom produced more CO2 and should, according to the consensus, have meant a rise in global temperatures.

The programme claims there appears to be a consensus across science that CO2 is responsible for global warming, but Professor Paul Reiter is shown to disagree. He said the influential United Nations report on Climate change, that claimed humans were responsible, was a sham.

It claimed to be the opinion of 2,500 leading scientists, but Prof Reiter said it included names of scientists who disagreed with the findings and resigned from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and said the report was finalised by government appointees.

The CO2 theory is further undermined by claims that billions of pounds is being provided by governments to fund greenhouse effect research, so thousands of scientists know their job depends on the theory continuing to be seen as fact.

The programme claims efforts to reduce CO2 are killing Africans, who have to burn fires inside their home, causing cancer and lung damage, because their governments are being encouraged to use wind and solar panels that are not capable of supplying the continent with electricity, instead of coal and oil-burning power stations that could.

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore is shown saying: “Environmentalists have romanticised peasant life, but this is anti-human. “They are saying the world’s poorest people should have the world’s most expensive form of form of energy – really saying they can’t have electricity.”

- Go read the rest and as an extra added attraction read the comments at the bottom of the article ...

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/04/2007 at 03:15 PM    avatar
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Even More BS From The Arabs

Just what in hell is going on here? Did I miss some special announcement that today is the start of “International Bullshit Week”? First, the editors at the NY TIMES start spewing raving lunacy (see post below this one) and now the Arabs are piling on, demanding we announce a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.

Who do these pencil-dick, towel-heads think they are? We’ll leave when we get good and damn ready, got that? And we’re not abut to broadcast our future plans to anyone in the Muddled East. While we’re at it, don’t bother to bring the useless United Nations into this mix. They left Iraq four years ago after the first little bomb hit their offices there.

Arabs Want U.N. Timetable For U.S. Withdrawal
CAIRO (Reuters) - March 4, 2007

imageimageThe Arab League said on Sunday the United Nations Security Council should set a timetable for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa listed what the Cairo-based organization believed were the key issues for easing the crisis in Iraq.

Apart from setting a timetable for U.S.-led coalition to leave, the list also includes a call for the fair distribution of wealth and the disbanding of all militias, which are demands that Arab leaders have repeated many times.

“I suggest that these foundations be included in a binding
U.N. Security Council resolution that all Iraqi and other parties with present roles in Iraq should respect and follow,” Moussa said in a speech to a meeting of Arab foreign ministers.

The United States has rejected calls for setting a date for its troops, who make up the vast majority of multinational forces, to leave the country they invaded in 2003.

Arab governments have little influence in Baghdad. The Arab League representative in Iraq resigned in January because of his frustration over the situation in the country.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/04/2007 at 11:58 AM    avatar
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Bleeding Heart BS From The NY TIMES

Damned if I don’t just hate waking up on a beautiful Sunday morning only to find the NY TIMES is determined to get us all killed - for the 3,458,034th time. Today’s editorial has had me sitting here grinding my teeth for the last few hours and the longer I look at this ridiculous bullshit the angrier I get.

It seems the fine, upstanding editors at “The Newspaper Of Record” are wringing their hands over the way we treat captured terrorists and they can’t wait until 2008 to get rid of Bush and get a Democrat in the Oval Office who will not only give terrorists all the rights in the US Constitution, but also give them rights above and beyond anything these murderous thugs deserve.

With any luck at all, the next time the terrorists attack us here in the US, they will manage to take out the TIMES building in New York and remove this vipers nest in our midst.

The Must-Do List
(NY TIMES EDITORIAL) - March 4, 2007

The Bush administration’s assault on some of the founding principles of American democracy marches onward despite the Democratic victory in the 2006 elections. The new Democratic majorities in Congress can block the sort of noxious measures that the Republican majority rubber-stamped. But preventing new assaults on civil liberties is not nearly enough.

Five years of presidential overreaching and Congressional collaboration continue to exact a high toll in human lives, America’s global reputation and the architecture of democracy. Brutality toward prisoners, and the denial of their human rights, have been institutionalized; unlawful spying on Americans continues; and the courts are being closed to legal challenges of these practices.

It will require forceful steps by this Congress to undo the damage. A few lawmakers are offering bills intended to do just that, but they are only a start. Taking on this task is a moral imperative that will show the world the United States can be tough on terrorism without sacrificing its humanity and the rule of law.

Today we’re offering a list — which, sadly, is hardly exhaustive — of things that need to be done to reverse the unwise and lawless policies of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Many will require a rewrite of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, an atrocious measure pushed through Congress with the help of three Republican senators, Arlen Specter, Lindsey Graham and John McCain; Senator McCain lent his moral authority to improving one part of the bill and thus obscured its many other problems.

Here is their shopping list. I won’t bore you with the details. You can read them at the TIMES if you insist. Warning: You better take a blood pressure pill or a good stiff drink first though ...

Restore Habeas Corpus

Stop Illegal Spying

Ban Torture, Really

Close the C.I.A. Prisons

Account for ‘Ghost Prisoners’

Ban Extraordinary Rendition

Tighten the Definition of Combatant

Screen Prisoners Fairly and Effectively

Ban Tainted Evidence

Ban Secret Evidence

Better Define ‘Classified’ Evidence

Respect the Right to Counsel

As if that’s not enough the addle-brained editors leave us with this apologist bullshit. They want Congress to strip power from the President, apologize to the entire world, close Gitmo and then we can all bow down and face Mecca while Al-Qaeda comes back and shoves a nuclear bomb up our ass. Give me one good reason why the TIMES should not be shut down and the editors imprisoned for a thousand years.

Beyond all these huge tasks, Congress should halt the federal government’s race to classify documents to avoid public scrutiny — 15.6 million in 2005, nearly double the 2001 number. It should also reverse the grievous harm this administration has done to the Freedom of Information Act by encouraging agencies to reject requests for documents whenever possible. Congress should curtail F.B.I. spying on nonviolent antiwar groups and revisit parts of the Patriot Act that allow this practice.

The United States should apologize to a Canadian citizen and a German citizen, both innocent, who were kidnapped and tortured by American agents. Oh yes, and it is time to close the Guantánamo camp. It is a despicable symbol of the abuses committed by this administration (with Congress’s complicity) in the name of fighting terrorism.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/04/2007 at 11:34 AM    avatar
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Sunday Funnies


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/04/2007 at 11:03 AM    avatar
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calendar   Saturday - March 03, 2007

Barking Moonbat Of The Week

I can’t help it. This story was so outrageously funny that I had to give one of the players the award this week just for the pure entertainment value alone. I chose the player who started the whole kerfuffle that erupted into nuclear warfare between the Clintons and Barack Obama. Besides, Geffen is a Hollywood Liberal and I just love it when they start cat fights among themselves. Congratulations, David. Let’s do this again real soon!

imageimageDavid Geffen
(PEOPLE) - February 21, 2007

David Geffen gave the NY Times’s red headed hottie Maureen Dowd an exclusive and dished his real feelings regarding Hillary Clinton, Barack’s competition.

Geffen told Dowd: “Not since the Vietnam War has there been this level of disappointment in the behavior of America throughout the world, and I don’t think that another incredibly polarizing figure, no matter how smart she is and no matter how ambitious she is—and God knows, is there anybody more ambitious than Hillary Clinton?—can bring the country together.

Further explaining his devotion to Obama, Geffen stated:  “Obama is inspirational, and he’s not from the Bush royal family or the Clinton royal family. Americans are dying every day in Iraq. And I’m tired of hearing James Carville on television.”

“I don’t think anybody believes that in the last six years, all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person,”

Geffen says, adding that if Republicans are digging up dirt, they’ll wait until Hillary’s the nominee to use it. “I think they believe she’s the easiest to defeat. Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/03/2007 at 04:17 PM    avatar
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Most Ridiculous Item Of The Week

In 1914 the Austrians accidentally stumbled into Serbia. In 1939 the Germans accidentally stumbled into Poland. In 1967 the Arabs accidentally stumbled into Israel. Now, in 2007 the Swiss are repeating these mistakes and have accidentally stumbled into Liechtenstein (where the f**k is that anyway).

Yes, the country that brought multi-function pocket knives and cuckoo clocks to the world has launched a unilateral attack on a country that is about the size of a postage stamp and whose entire military force consists of 7,700 troops - and most of them are on vacation at the moment.

We simply cannot let this terrible aggression by Europe’s Watchmakers go unpunished. America must come to the aid of Liechtenstein and drive the oppressive Swiss back to Geneva.

tune  Over there! Over there! Send the word! Send the word over there! That the Yanks are coming ...

Swiss Army Oversteps Mark With Midnight Foray Into Liechtenstein
(AFP) - Mar 02 7:05 PM US/Eastern

imageimageSwitzerland’s army is hardly known for its aggressive stance but this did not stop 170 armed soldiers crossing the border into Liechtenstein at the dead of night, red-faced Swiss military officials said Friday.

Army spokesman Daniel Reist said the troop’s commander got lost in bad weather during the night-time maneuvres in the Alpine region.

They strayed some two kilometres (one mile) across the unmarked eastern border into Switzerland’s tiny and friendly neighbor on Wednesday night, he admitted.

“It was all so dark there,” one infantryman told the Swiss tabloid Blick. Having realized his mistake, the commander immediately gave the order to turn back. It was not the first time that the Swiss military has accidentally invaded the principality.

In December 1985, a winter storm interfered with an artillery exercise and blew Swiss army rockets into Liechtenstein’s protected Bannwald forest, setting it on fire.

Switzerland had to pay millions of francs in compensation, and the incident led to a lengthy dispute between the Swiss defence ministry and the principality, Blick said.

(Hey! It’s Saturday and I’m trying to have a little fun here! Do You mind?)

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/03/2007 at 03:50 PM    avatar
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Quote Of The Day

President Bush says almost exactly the same words and is condemned by Leftists, Liberals and Democrats, and is also accused of being a ”warmonger” who they plan to impeach while top Army Generals threaten to resign.

Barack Obama says it and the same crowd falls to the ground at his feet marveling at his wisdom, praising his name and breathlessly wait for him to walk on water. F**kin’ dipshits ....

“While we should take no option, including military action, off the table, sustained and aggressive diplomacy combined with tough sanctions should be our primary means to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons”

-- Senator Barack Obama-Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong-Sha-Na-Na (whose ancestors owned slaves)
In a foreign policy speech in Chicago (ABC NEWS), March 3, 2007

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/03/2007 at 03:15 PM    avatar
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News Of The Truly Weird

Forget anthrax and other nastiness arriving in your snail-mail inbox. Now you need to keep an eye out for human body parts from China. Yeah, that’s just what we need with Islamofascists running around chopping off heads left and right, ain’t it?

Human Liver, Part of Head Sent to Home
CASCADE TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) - March 3, 2007, 1:57 PM EST

imageimageTwo packages containing human body parts—including a liver and part of a head—meant for a medical research lab instead were delivered to a home.

The body parts, sent from China, were mistakenly dropped off Thursday at Franck and Ludivine Larmande’s home by a DHL express driver who believed the bubble-wrapped items were pieces to a table.

“My husband started to unwrap one and said, ‘This is strange, it looks like a liver,’” Ludivine Larmande said. “He started the second one, but stopped as soon as we saw the ear.

“Something wasn’t right. It was scary, and I’m glad I didn’t open them.” The couple called Kent County sheriff’s deputies, who determined the preserved body parts were for medical research, Lt. Roger Parent said.

Authorities believe 28 more bubble-wrapped human organs and body parts could be dispersed across the country, the newspaper said. Two of five packages headed to the northern Michigan lab broke open, scattering their contents.

“There will definitely be a shock to people if they see these things, but there is no hazard to health,” Parent said.

DHL is investigating whether it should have shipped the body parts and how the packages were dispersed, spokesman Robert Mints said.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/03/2007 at 02:13 PM    avatar
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Faggot Kerfuffle

Howard Dean better just watch out. He’s messin’ with my Number #1 Girlfriend now. If he doesn’t like what she says, he can damn well keep his mouth shut or else I’m going to start pointing out some of the outrageous bullshit he and his Democrat Party cohorts have publicly screamed lately. I’m just about sick and tired of Liberals spewing venom and hatred and then getting all offended and sensitive when someone picks on them. Give ‘em hell, Ann. They deserve it!

Howard Dean Demands GOP Candidates Denounce
Ann Coulter for Referring to John Edwards as a ‘Faggot’

(FOX NEWS) - Friday , March 02, 2007

imageimageDemocratic Party boss Howard Dean demanded that Republican presidential candidates denounce conservative columnist Ann Coulter after she referred to Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards as a ‘faggot’ during a speech Friday at a national conservative gathering.

Coulter, who was addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., said:

“I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I - so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.”

Members of the audience seemed startled, then many clapped, and she proceeded to open the floor to questions, reported

After her comments, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued a press release expressing his outrage. Dean called Coulter’s remarks ‘hate-filled and bigoted.’

“While Democrats and Republicans may disagree on the issues, we should all be able to agree that this kind of vile rhetoric is out of bounds. The American people want a serious, thoughtful debate of the issues,” the press release read.

“Republicans—including the Republican presidential candidates who shared the podium with Ann Coulter today—should denounce her hateful remarks.”

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/03/2007 at 03:33 AM    avatar
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The Real Environmentalist

I’m sorry if it seems like I’m giving Al Gore a hard time lately. You see, the problem is he deserves it - and then some. If Al had been born a hundred fifty years ago he would have become a snake oil salesman ... or a cattle rustler.

Mike Reagan explains why Gore is all talk and no cigar. He also points out a major politician in Washington who actually is a real environmentalist and practices what Gore preaches at home. You’ll never guess who that is - because our Liberal media would rather choke on their own spit than admit who it is or tell you anything good about him.

Read on and enjoy the irony ...

Mike Lester - The Rome News-Tribune (GA)

An Inconvenient Fraud
-- by Michael Reagan

imageimageThis whole thing with global warming and its leading apostle Al Gore is just more of the political left’s habit of talking the talk but never walking the walk.

Gore has proven time and again to be a complete hypocrite. He preaches the need to eliminate man-made pollution. On his Web site advising people to fight global warming by discovering what their so-called carbon footprint is, he says, “You may be surprised by how much CO2 you are emitting each year,” and advises that you should “calculate your personal impact and learn how you can take action to reduce or even eliminate your emissions of carbon dioxide.”

Mr. Gore, however, does not practice what he preaches. He wants you to curb your lifestyle drastically, but on the record he’s doing everything he doesn’t want you to do, and doing it extravagantly.

Consider his house in Tennessee. According to The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, Nashville Electric Services records obtained by the Center show the Gores in 2006 averaged a monthly electricity bill of $1,359 for using 18,414 kilowatt-hours, and $1,461 per month for using 16,200 kilowatt-hours in 2005.

Over the past two years, the gas and electric bills for his 20-room mansion and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.

Nashville Gas Company billed the family during the same period an average of $536 a month for the main house and $544 for the pool house in 2006, and $640 for the main house and $525 for the pool house in 2005. That averages out to be $29,268 in gas and electric bills for the Gores in 2006, $31,512 in 2005.

“If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn’t care,” says Drew Johnson, the Center’s 27-year-old president. “But he tells other people how to live and he’s not following his own rules.”

Compare this with President Bush’s practices as a homeowner. According to a story in the April 29, 2001, Chicago Tribune, “Bush loves ecology—at home,” the president’s house is a model of ecological purity.

“The 4,000-square-foot house is a model of environmental rectitude, wrote freelance reporter Rob Sullivan. “Geothermal heat pumps located in a central closet circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet deep in the ground where the temperature is a constant 67 degrees; the water heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. Systems such as the one in this ‘eco-friendly’ dwelling use about 25 percent of the electricity that traditional heating and cooling systems utilize.

“A 25,000-gallon underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof runs; wastewater from sinks, toilets and showers goes into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is used to irrigate the landscaping surrounding the four-bedroom home. Plants and flowers native to the high prairie area blend the structure into the surrounding ecosystem.”

Gore talks the talk, the president walks the walk.

Gore and his leftist buddies pat themselves on the back and tell us what they think we ought to be doing, but they are not going to follow the rules they lay down for us.

Al Gore excuses his own excesses by saying he is buying “carbon credits,” to offset his massive use of electric power and jet planes.

Buying “carbon credits” allows him to pollute to his heart’s content, because he’s adopted a “carbon neutral” life whereby any emissions for which he is personally responsible are allegedly offset by buying “green credits” such as parcels of forests that eat up CO2.

He doesn’t do solar, he doesn’t use wind power, he doesn’t change his lifestyle or go bio-diesel, he doesn’t do any of the things he insists the rest of us must do to save the planet from being barbecued—he just buys carbon credits and goes on his merry way spewing pollution in all directions.

This is so outrageously asinine on its face; it alone should awaken the American people to the fact that they are being had by Mr. Gore and his fellow global warming fanatics. Instead of getting an Oscar Sunday night, he should have been laughed off the stage.

Mike Reagan, the eldest son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is heard on more than 200 talk radio stations nationally as part of the Radio America Network. Look for Mike’s newest book, “Twice Adopted.” E-mail comments to ©2007 Mike Reagan.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/03/2007 at 03:06 AM    avatar
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